Hi friend!
I'm going to share a bit about the power of self-awareness as well as what both Science + Spirituality say about it. Afterall, it's thee most important pillar of the six pillars which make up The Higher Perspective – so it deserves some extra special attention.
Self-awareness is how you and I “see” life. It's the lens we're peering through and this determines how we feel about ourselves as well as our experience. This should excite you because this means that YOU have the power to reduce your stress, anxiety, and fear while improving your happiness, abundance, joy & overall fulfilment. Noice.
Lots of people play prisoner to their reality. It's not their fault by any means, life has probably been pretty rough on them. They've been ravaged by trauma, burdened by limiting beliefs, crippled by fear, and have never been gifted the guidance to help them make a change.
But it's never too late to take the reins and shift your experience if you know about the 6 pillars for attaining your highest potential.
Today we're going to highlight Self-Awareness. I didn't know sh*t about how my mind functioned, the power of my beliefs, the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind, and that I was NOT my thoughts. It took life handing me my arse in order to start learning this stuff so that I could stop obsessing over all the bad and finally embrace the good.
The good was there the WHOLE time too, my perspective simply wasn't trained to recognize it. ALL that changed when I started practicing self-awareness.
So let’s talk about self-awareness. Yes, that magical thing where you realize that maybe there's more to your mind than a never-ending stream of useless thoughts or being hypercritical over EVERYTHING. Self-awareness is like holding a mirror up to your soul – but instead of just fixing your hair, you’re figuring out why you may be a little light in confidence or pride.
Here’s the thing: self-awareness is not about perfection. It’s about progress. And, occasionally, about laughing at yourself when you realize you’ve been singing the wrong lyrics to your favorite song for years (in Blinded by the Light it’s “revved up like a deuce" not, "revved up like a douche" btw… who knew?).

Why Self-Awareness is the Best Kind of Awkward
You’ll Catch Yourself Before Others Do – Remember that time you said “Thanks, you too” when the waiter told you to enjoy your meal? Self-awareness helps you laugh about it instead of spiraling into an existential crisis. The world is a stage, and sometimes you’re the comic relief. Embrace it.
You’ll Realize Your Quirks Are Charming – You tap your foot during stressful meetings? Adorable. You talk to your plants? Iconic. Self-awareness turns quirks into personality traits. Plus, your fiddle-leaf fig loves the attention.
You’ll Understand the Power of Pausing Instead of firing off an email that says “Per my last email you son of…”, you pause. You take a breath. You realize that diplomacy is better than passive aggression. Congratulations, you’re growing.
How to Harness Your Self-Awareness Superpower
Reflect, Don’t Roast: Journaling is great, but your inner voice doesn’t need to sound like a stand-up comedian at your expense. Be kind to yourself.
Ask for Feedback… Carefully: Want to know how others see you? Ask. But maybe avoid phrasing it as, “On a scale of 1 to unbearable, how am I?”
Laugh Often: Because self-awareness without humor is just an overanalyzed life. And where’s the fun in that?
So, this week, I challenge you to embrace your self-awareness with a smile. Notice the little things about yourself that make you you. And if you catch yourself eating the last cookie in the jar, own it. You deserve that cookie.
Speaking of cookies, I've got big news this year! I'll be launching my first ever private group coaching program! Stay tuned and feel free to email me for the details if you're ready to unleash all your hidden awesomeness! (info@joe-hehn.com)
As promised, here's what Science + Spirituality say about self-awareness.
Self-Awareness + Spirituality
"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." – Hinduism
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” – Buddhism
"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." - Taoism
Self-Awareness + Science
“Self-aware individuals tend to perform better in leadership roles, exhibit greater resilience, and have better overall life satisfaction.” – Dr.Tasha Eurich
High self-awareness leads to greater self-compassion, which is associated with lower levels of anxiety, depression & stress. –Kristin Neff
Until next time, stay charmingly self-aware and always a little bit ridiculous. 🌟
– With Gratitude
Joe Hehn
PS. Know that if you ever have questions – I’m only an email away.